Menu is not part of the editor component. Include ngx-editor-menu
in your HTML manually.
Component props
- editor - (
) editor instance - toolbar - (
) - disabled - (
) enable/disable menu bar - colorPresets - (
) - colors for color picker - customMenuRef - (
) - Template reference to custom menu item - dropdownPlacement - (
) - Placement for the dropdown. Can betop
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { editor: Editor; toolbar: Toolbar = [ // default value ['bold', 'italic'], ['underline', 'strike'], ['code', 'blockquote'], ['ordered_list', 'bullet_list'], [{ heading: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'] }], ['link', 'image'], // or, set options for link: //[{ link: { showOpenInNewTab: false } }, 'image'], ['text_color', 'background_color'], ['align_left', 'align_center', 'align_right', 'align_justify'], ['horizontal_rule', 'format_clear', 'indent', 'outdent'], ['superscript', 'subscript'], ['undo', 'redo'], ]; colorPresets = ['red', '#FF0000', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'];
ngOnInit(): void { this.editor = new Editor(); }
ngOnDestroy(): void { this.editor.destroy(); }}
<ngx-editor-menu [editor]="editor" [toolbar]="toolbar" [colorPresets]="colorPresets"></ngx-editor-menu>
Custom Menu
To insert custom menu items into the editor-menu. Create a template and pass its reference to ngx-editor-menu
via customMenuRef
input prop. The template will be rendered after the toolbar items.
Note: The input is just a TemplateRef
, the menu component will render whatever template passed to it. Refer the existing toolbar items for classnames and reuse them as needed.
<ngx-editor-menu [editor]="editor" [toolbar]="toolbar" [customMenuRef]="customMenu"></ngx-editor-menu>
<!-- Create template reference --><ng-template #customMenu> <app-custom-menu [editor]="editor"></app-custom-menu></ng-template>
Custom Menu Template
<div class="NgxEditor__Seperator"></div><div class="NgxEditor__MenuItem NgxEditor__MenuItem--Text" (mousedown)="onClick($event)" [ngClass]="{'NgxEditor__MenuItem--Active': isActive, 'NgxEditor--Disabled': isDisabled}"> CodeMirror</div>
Custom Menu Component
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';import { setBlockType } from 'prosemirror-commands';import { EditorState, Plugin, PluginKey, Transaction } from 'prosemirror-state';import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { Editor } from 'ngx-editor';import { isNodeActive } from 'ngx-editor/helpers';
@Component({ selector: 'app-custom-menu', templateUrl: './custom-menu.component.html', styleUrls: ['./custom-menu.component.scss'],})export class CustomMenuComponent implements OnInit { constructor() {}
@Input() editor: Editor; isActive = false; isDisabled = false;
onClick(e: MouseEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); const { state, dispatch } = this.editor.view; this.execute(state, dispatch); }
execute(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean { const { schema } = state;
if (this.isActive) { return setBlockType(schema.nodes.paragraph)(state, dispatch); }
return setBlockType(schema.nodes.code_mirror)(state, dispatch); }
update = (view: EditorView) => { const { state } = view; const { schema } = state; this.isActive = isNodeActive(state, schema.nodes.code_mirror); this.isDisabled = !this.execute(state, null); // returns true if executable };
ngOnInit(): void { const plugin = new Plugin({ key: new PluginKey(`custom-menu-codemirror`), view: () => { return { update: this.update, }; }, });
this.editor.registerPlugin(plugin); }}
Floating Menu
The editor exposes a component which by default renders a minimal menu. Place it anywhere in the HTML. Technically it is just a wrapper which provides a wrapper and positions it relative to selection. You can render anything inside it as required.
<ngx-editor [editor]="editor"> <ngx-editor-floating-menu [editor]="editor"></ngx-editor-floating-menu></ngx-editor>
<div class="editor"> <ngx-editor [editor]="editor"> </ngx-editor> <ngx-editor-floating-menu [editor]="editor"></ngx-editor-floating-menu></div>
Component props
- editor - (
) editor instance - autoPlace - (
) positions automatically to the top or bottom based on the space available.false
by default
Custom Icons in ngx-editor-menu
By default ngx-editor add a list of google font icons, but have an option for replace with the icons you need. Support svg/img/tags/etc, have the option for modify one or more icons. You can specify the icons in the forRoot
NgxEditorModule.forRoot({ icons: { bold: '<img src="" width="15" height="15"/>', },});
The list of icon you can change is:
- align_center
- align_justify
- align_left
- align_right
- bold
- bullet_list
- code
- color_fill
- format_clear
- horizontal_rule
- image
- italic
- link
- ordered_list
- quote
- strike
- text_color
- underline
- unlink
- path